By now, most people know the amazing effects that cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoids can have on your health, but what can it do cosmetically? Well, experts believe that people have been using hemp and cannabis plants to bring out their natural beauty for thousands of years. It is said that even Cleopatra used a mixture of hemp and celery to keep her eyes youthful and bright! Hemp plants containing high amounts of CBD are jam-packed with vitamins and nutrients your skin craves. Hemp even has some of the same omegas as fish oil(omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) without the smell! Now with all the new research on CBD, companies are creating a wide variety of bath and body products. One of the most frequently asked questions about these products is “What do they actually do?” So we created this diagram to illustrate the benefits of CBD and hemp infused beauty products. Now that you know what hemp can do, let's take a quick look at some different ways of us...
Reliable information about CBD for everyone.