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Showing posts from October, 2017

Tattooing and CBD

The buzz. The ink. Then the needles. If you are a proud owner of skin that has been inked, you know the process. Cleaning, shaving, stenciling, all leading up to the first initial prick of the needle that penetrates your skin. Then, countless additional pricks all over your body, only to go home and tend to your bloody, peeling work of art. Tattoos are a beautiful way to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality. The commitment to the altered pigment on your body can mean much more than just changing your aesthetic appeal. But there is no denying how much it hurts to earn those marks. With a good tattoo artist, the “deep tissue massage” is worth it all in the end, but it’s only human nature to question the choices that have led you to endure raw pain for hours on end. You’ve probably also thought about ways to make the experience and/or healing process less miserable. The thought of using alcohol to dull your nerves and pain from the tattoo might have tempted you, ...

All About Vaping CBD

An alternative to cigarettes. Are you trying to quit smoking cigarettes? Well, you're not alone. Over 40 million American adults are addicted to cigarettes, and over 480,000 deaths a year can be blamed on smoking cigarettes alone. Cigarettes are known to be hazardous to health due to their content of nicotine, tar, and other harmful chemicals. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that can cause some people to feel more focused and boost mood, but unfortunately, the withdrawals from nicotine can be extremely unpleasant. Common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, irritability, restlessness, and headaches. This can make it extremely hard to quit smoking tobacco, but long-term exposure or inhalation of cigarette smoke can lead to chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, mouth, and bladder! So many people know the risk associated with cigarettes but can't seem to quit due to withdrawal symptoms or simply t...

CBD for Sleep

 Sleep. Most people will spend over a quarter of their lifetime, cuddled up on a cozy bed drooling on their pillow happily. But for many, that's not the case, and they are left staring into a dark room constantly checking an alarm clock, wishing they could just get a couple hours of solid sleep before the day begins. Everyone deals with some type of sleep disorder at one point in their life, but when it becomes agonizing to close your eyes every night, it can become a relentless long-term struggle. Insomnia affects over 3 million Americans and can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as irritability, headaches, lack of focus or concentration, aggression, impulsive decision making, decreased libido and more. Many of these symptoms can make it extremely difficult to function in everyday life and can lead to complications in personal and professional relationships. Sleep deprivation can be triggered by a number of different occurrences such as (but not limited t...

CBD and Athletes

  Recently, cannabis and hemp have become increasingly popular in the athletic sport's World. Many people have heard of Olympians (such as Michael Phelps, and Usain Bolt) and other professional athletes (like Jen Shelton, and Nate Diaz ) consuming medical cannabis habitually to aid in their sports training. To some people, this may not make sense, because of the stereotypical stoner, often portrayed in TV and movies, is lazy, sits on the couch all day, glued to the TV, eating a whole pizza pie in one sitting. Unfortunately, this misconception is widely accepted amongst Americans. But the facts are that habitual cannabis consumers are less likely to be obese than non-smoking Americans, and many people are still active and perform most of their daily tasks after consuming cannabis. It’s all about the dosage and strain! Unfortunately, not all athletes have access to high-quality medical cannabis, and many people simply dislike the narcotic side effects it causes. Thankfu...