The buzz. The ink. Then the needles. If you are a proud owner of skin that has been inked, you know the process. Cleaning, shaving, stenciling, all leading up to the first initial prick of the needle that penetrates your skin. Then, countless additional pricks all over your body, only to go home and tend to your bloody, peeling work of art. Tattoos are a beautiful way to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality. The commitment to the altered pigment on your body can mean much more than just changing your aesthetic appeal. But there is no denying how much it hurts to earn those marks. With a good tattoo artist, the “deep tissue massage” is worth it all in the end, but it’s only human nature to question the choices that have led you to endure raw pain for hours on end. You’ve probably also thought about ways to make the experience and/or healing process less miserable. The thought of using alcohol to dull your nerves and pain from the tattoo might have tempted you, ...
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